Chetwynd Search and Rescue

The account for the VolunteerRescue service for Chetwynd Search and Rescue is 90 days in arrears. Please e-mail or phone 1-250-430-1431 as soon as possible to make arrangements to settle the account and to ensure we have up to date contact details for invoicing.

Welcome to Chetwynd Search and Rescue

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Chetwynd Search and Rescue is dedicated to assist those individuals who find themselves in emergency situations. Chetwynd SAR's inception dates back to the early 70's when several individuals formed a loosely organized group. In 1996 the group was reorganised to become an official society and over the years has completed numerous tasks.

The purposes of the society are

  1. To organize and operate a volunteer search and rescue group in the South Peace region of British Columbia.
  2. To train and arrange for training of volunteers in search and rescue operations.
  3. To provide support and assistance to other organizations with similar purposes in the form of manpower and equipment on a loan basis for training purposes as required.
  4. To promote awareness and skills in outdoor and wilderness safety to the public.
  5. To provide training and education in outdoor and wilderness safety to the public.
  6. To organize and conduct actual searches and rescue operations as may from time to time be required

Recent news

Upcoming events

This web site has been created by and is provided by VolunteerRescue of SKRPC Holdings Inc., Fernie, BC, Canada.